San Diego Nanotechnology Infrastructure
The San Diego Nanotechnology Infrastructure (SDNI) offers users from academic, industry and government laboratories open, affordable access to a broad spectrum of nanofabrication and characterization technologies and expertise that enable and accelerate cutting edge scientific research, proof-of-concept demonstration, device and system prototyping, product development, and technology translation.
Centered on UCSD's Nano3 (Nanoscience, Nanoengineering, Nanomedicine) user facility, SDNI leverages additional specialized resources and expertise at UCSD for NanoBioMedicine, NanoPhotonics, and NanoMagnetics, enabling transformative research and education, and accelerating the translation of discoveries and new nanotechnologies to the marketplace.
SDNI is one of 16 nation-wide sites of the NSF supported National Nanotechnology Coordinated Infrastructure (NNCI) founded in 2015.